Why Join Miracle Me
Miracle Me is creating a brand name throughout Australia and through several studies we can tell you that a franchise model or licencing model is more likely to succeed than a non-franchised /licensee business. That’s because a brand name and proven systems help you to stay in business much longer than individually owned businesses.

We have over the last few years noticed smaller facilities opening up with a lesser value of product and we can’t tell you enough how important it is in this industry to offer your client’s quality service and equipment in 3D/4D. Families want to be guaranteed that they are going to experience and get the best images and experience in this field and unfortunately we are seeing that they are not when we compare our images to others. They all speak for themselves with the images they have on their websites. We have noticed that all facilities in this field do not use trained Ultrasound Technicians, nor have the exceptional images like Miracle Me gives you, and that is why we want to spread our experience and knowledge throughout Australia to help families get the BEST when they chose to have a 3D/4D Experience.

Becoming part of the Miracle Me team will give you the advantage of increased visibility in the marketplace, improved name recognition, the increased power of group buying and marketing. As well as have a dedicated team of people working to grow the business for the benefit of both the business owners and the company.

Joining an already recognised brand gives you the benefit of the Miracle Me industry experience and business expertise to help you get started in your new venture. Not only will you receive support from us, but you’ll be part of a growing family, sharing similar goals and objectives.


